Registration and payment

Participants that have not registered during the abstract submission phase should fill in the registration form.

For organisational reasons it is necessary to fill in all the fields of the registration form, particularly those related to the practical details of your participation (arrival and departure dates, attendance to the social dinner, attendance to the field visit and the guided tour of the city).

Participants who registered during the abstract submission phase should check their registration and confirm the above details.

Before 31st July 2017 registration fees for the two days of the seminar and the technical visit will be 250 euros, after which fees will be 300 Euros. Fees include attendance to the seminar, refreshments and lunches, as well as a copy of the proceedings

The optional social dinner will be organised on the evening of the 4th October at a cost of 35 euros per participant. Payment can be made together with the registration fees or in a separated payment to the same bank account.

Payment (reg. fees and social dinner) should be made by bank transfer to the following account:
Account holder: IAMZ-CIHEAM
IBAN ES60 2085 1425 5603 0018 8187
Swift Code: CAZRES 2Z
To be indicated on the Bank Transfer: "sgvitoria" + Name of participant
Postal Address: Av. Montañana 290, 50059 Montañana (Zaragoza), Spain


Fees + social dinner

Before 31st July



After 31st July

