
ACTIVITIES GREMPA: almond and pistachio

The FAO-CIHEAM Network on Nuts is involved in many international scientific Meetings concerning the target species. In some cases, the Network actively promotes the participation of its members in these events and even the organization of such events is undertaken by network members and supported by IAMZ-CIHEAM and other institutions. In other cases, the members of the Network participate at these meetings as individuals.

As a result of these scientific events of some joint research projects carried out in the past, a substantial number of publications have been released

Next meetings

Recent and past activities

Walnut: the ISHS VIII International Symposium on Walnut, Cashew and Pecan has held in Santiago de Chile from 29 November to 1 December 2017.

Almonds and Pistachios: the ISHS VII International Symposium on Almonds and Pistachioswas held in Adelaide (Australia) from 5 to 9 November 2017.

Chestnut: The ISHS VI Chestnut Symposium, was held in Atakum (Samsun, Turkey), from 9 to 13 october 2017.

Hazelnut: The ISHS IX Congress on the Hazelnu was held in Atakum (Samsun, Turkey) from15 to 19 August 2017.

Stone Pine: The Agropine2016 (2nd International Meeting on the Stone Pine) was held in Portugal on 18-20 May 2016.

The XVI Grempa Meeting was held in Meknes (Morocco) on 12-14 May 2015, organised by the Ecole Nationale d'Agriculture de Meknes, the Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Zaragoza, the FAO-CIHEAM Network on Nuts, with the collaboration of the Ministry of Agriculture and Fisheries of Morocco.

The Nucis Newsletter no. 16 was published in May 2014

The VI International Symposium on Almonds and Pistachios, was held in Murcia (Spain), 27 - 31 May 2013.
The proceedings of the Symposium have been published in Acta Horticulturae, no. 1028.

The AGROPINE 2011- International Meeting on Mediterranean Stone Pine for Agroforestry was held in Valladolid (Spain), 17 - 19 November 2011.The proceedings of the Meeting were published in Options Méditerranéennes, A, no. 105

Castanea 2009: 1st European Congress on Chestnut, 14 - 16 October, 2009, Cuneo (Italy).

The XIV GREMPA Meeting (Athens, Greece 30 March-4 April 2008), was organized by the Agricultural University of Athens, NAGREF, the Technological Education Inst. of Kalamatas, FAO and CIHEAM. The proceedings are available in Options Méditerranéennes, A, 94

The XII Eucarpia Symposium on Fruit Breeding and Genetics was organized in Zaragoza (Spain) 16 - 20 September 2007

- 5th International Walnut Symposium. Sorrento (Italy), 9 - 13 November 2004.Organisedunder the Patronage of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Policies (MiPAF) and the National Council of Research (CNR) of Italy. The CIHEAM has collaborated in the organisation through the FAO-CIHEAM Network on Nuts.

- III ISHS International Symposium on Chestnut. Chaves, Portugal, 20 – 23 October 2004. Sessions were held on Chestnut Growing. General Reports, Economy and Marketing, Biology, Physiology and Ecology, Breeding, Genetics and Plant Development, Orchard and Forest Management, Harvest and Post-Harvest Storage, and Plant Protection.

- VI International Congress on Hazelnut. Reus-Tarragona, Spain, 14-18 June 2004. The Congress was organised by the Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentàries (IRTA) – Centre Mas Bové in collaboration with the International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS) and the FAO-CIHEAM Nut Network. Sessions were onGermplasm and Genetic, Biology and Physiology, Propagation, Orchard Management, Pest and Diseases, Post Harvest, Health and nuts, Industry, Marketing, Crop and International Price Prediction and Economics. The Congress was attended by 125 participants from 20 countries. A total amount of 107 scientific papers were presented in this Congress, 43 as oral communications and 64 as posters.

- XIII GREMPA Meeting. Mirandela, Portugal, 2-5 June 2003. Scientific Sessions were held on Cultivars/ Rootstocks/ Breeding/ Flowering/ Pollination/ Fruit set/ Pests and diseases/ Harvesting/Marketing/Industry, Orchard management and Physiology/ Biology/Biotechnology. The Meeting had 74 participants from Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Belgium, France, Greece, Iran, Italy, Italy, Morocco, Portugal, Spain, Tunisia, Turkey and USA. The proceedings were published in Options Méditerranéennes, A, 63.

- Publication of Chestnut and Walnut Inventories on research, germplasm and references. (FAU REU Technical Series nº 65 and 66).

- 5th International Walnut Symposium. Sorrento (Italy), 9 - 13 November 2004.Organisedunder the Patronage of the Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry Policies (MiPAF) and the National Council of Research (CNR) of Italy. The CIHEAM has collaborated in the organisation through the FAO-CIHEAM Network on Nuts.

- III ISHS International Symposium on Chestnut. Chaves, Portugal, 20 – 23 October 2004. Sessions were held on Chestnut Growing. General Reports, Economy and Marketing, Biology, Physiology and Ecology, Breeding, Genetics and Plant Development, Orchard and Forest Management, Harvest and Post-Harvest Storage, and Plant Protection.

- VI International Congress on Hazelnut. Reus-Tarragona, Spain, 14-18 June 2004. The Congress was organised by the Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentàries (IRTA) – Centre Mas Bové in collaboration with the International Society for Horticultural Science (ISHS) and the FAO-CIHEAM Nut Network. Sessions were onGermplasm and Genetic, Biology and Physiology, Propagation, Orchard Management, Pest and Diseases, Post Harvest, Health and nuts, Industry, Marketing, Crop and International Price Prediction and Economics. The Congress was attended by 125 participants from 20 countries. A total amount of 107 scientific papers were presented in this Congress, 43 as oral communications and 64 as posters.

- XIII GREMPA Meeting. Mirandela, Portugal, 2-5 June 2003. Scientific Sessions were held on Cultivars/ Rootstocks/ Breeding/ Flowering/ Pollination/ Fruit set/ Pests and diseases/ Harvesting/Marketing/Industry, Orchard management and Physiology/ Biology/Biotechnology. The Meeting had 74 participants from Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Belgium, France, Greece, Iran, Italy, Italy, Morocco, Portugal, Spain, Tunisia, Turkey and USA. The proceedings were published in Options Méditerranéennes, A, 63.

- Publication of Chestnut and Walnut Inventories on research, germplasm and references. (FAU REU Technical Series nº 65 and 66).