Agrosilvopastoral Futures: Bridging Tradition with Innovation in Mediterranean and Mountain Pastures
Kuşadası, Türkiye, 9-11 April 2025
Our theme revolves around the urgent need to address climate change, enhance sustainability, and improve the resilience and profitability of pastoral systems. Through discussions on regenerative grazing, adoption of silvopastoral practices, integration of legumes, drought-resistant species, and cover crops in forage farming, and IoT technologies, we aim to have a better understanding of how agro-ecological practices might transform livestock productivity in these pastoral landscapes.
The Seminar will last three days, providing a forum for scientific and technical exchange and a one-day field trip. The scientific and technical exchanges will be structured in different plenary and group sessions, with keynote guest speakers. The Seminar will also be open to free contributions that can be presented orally or as posters depending on the recommendations of the Scientific Committee.
The session topics will be:
Keywords: agrosilvopastoral systems, agro-ecological transition, biodiversity management and conservation, climate change, cover crops, grassland monitoring pastoral farm innovation, regenerative grazing, sustainability
Host Institution: Adnan Menderes University, Zafer, 09010 Efeler Aydın, Türkiye
Conference Chair: Prof. Mustafa Surmen
The Seminar is organised by the Adnan Menderes University, by the FAO-CIHEAM Network on Pastures and Fodder Crops (subnetworks on “Mediterranean Pastures and Forage Crops” and on “Mountain Pastures”), by the CIHEAM Zaragoza (Mediterranean Agronomic Institute of Zaragoza/International Centre of Advanced Mediterranean Agronomic Studies), and by the Turkish Society for Rangeland and Forage Science, with the collaboration of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the PRIMA Project Pastinnova (Innovative models for a sustainable future of Mediterranean pastoral systems, funded by PRIMA).